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Maternity Reflexology

 Maternity, Pregnancy Reflexology:


Nurturing The Nurturer When You're Expecting:
Congratulations, pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life, a time of great excitement and joy, a time to cherish and embrace. As a mother myself I know only too well pregnancy comes with many changes to your body, ligaments stretching, increase in hormones and you can easily swing between the happiness of being pregnant and the worry for your growing baby. I am here to help. The benefits of maternity reflexology are about so much more than relieving tired feet during pregnancy. Maternity reflexology can assist in balancing those physical and emotional changes helping to promote relaxation in both body and mind. Maternity reflexology is one of the most natural and gentle holistic treatments used to support your pregnancy.
It can help ease:
Constipation, Indigestion / Heartburn & Haemorrhoids
Morning Sickness
Odema / Water Retention, Swollen Feet
Sciatica, SPD & Back Ache
Urinary Tract Infections
Sinusitis, Head Colds & Headaches
Leads to Better Sleep & Increased Energy Levels
Decreases Stress Levels & Anxiety
Potential Benefits From Maternity Reflexology:
Balancing the Endocrine System In Preparation For Labour
Reduces Length Of Labour
Stimulates Endorphins
Improves Lactation
Can Help Ease Pre & Post Natal Depression & Increase Overall Feelings Of Wellbeing
Provide A Safe Space To Share Any Fears Or Anxieties
Feeling Supported & Reassured Throughout Your Pregnancy
Feeling Nurtured, Both Mentally & Emotionally